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Head First Agile Pdf Download Free

After years of work, the new edition of Head First C# is finally here!

Welcome to Head First C#, one of the most fun and effective ways to get C# into your brain… fast! Head First C# is highly engaging and brain-friendly guide to learning C#. Do you want to get up and running with C# quickly? Would you prefer to skip long-winded, boring, overly theoretical introductions and jump straight to writing code and building fun projects? Do you want to learn by doing? If you answered “yes” to those questions, then Head First C# was written just for you! It’s filled with projects, puzzles, and activities that keep things light, lively, and interesting. You’ll learn important C# concepts, ideas, and tools, and get lots of practice writing code. And most importantly, you’ll dive write in and start building projects from the very beginning.

Check out the early praise we've already gotten for the book:

"Thank you so much! Your books have helped me to launch my career."
Ryan White, Game Developer

"If you're a new C# developer (welcome to the party!), I highly recommend Head First C#. Andrew and Jennifer have written a concise, authoritative, and most of all, fun introduction to C# development. I wish I'd had this book when I was first learning C#!"
Jon Galloway, Senior Program Manager on the .NET Community Team, Microsoft

"Not only does Head First C# cover all the nuances it took me a long time to understand, it has that Head First magic going on where it is just a super fun read."
Jeff Counts, Senior C# Developer

"Head First C# is a great book with fun examples that keep learning interesting."
Lindsey Bieda, Lead Software Engineer

The new 4th edition has some exciting new features, including full support for both Visual Studio 2019 (Windows) and Visual Studio for Macâ€"not only is Visual Studio an amazing IDE for developing C# apps, it's also a wonderful tool to learn and explore C#. We also added fun Unity Labs, where you'll use Unity to practice your C# skills by building 3D projects and games.

Download a free PDF of the first four chapters from our GitHub page: https://github.com/head-first-csharp/fourth-edition

We're incredibly pleased to announce that the first two chapters of our next book, Head First C# (4th edition), are now available as a PDF from our GitHub page and on the O'Reilly learning platform. We've put a huge amount of work this new edition, which includes:

  • New and improved projects that help you learn C# and .NET Core
  • Cross-platform support using Visual Studio on both Windows and Mac
  • A Unity Lab at the end of every chapter that uses 3D game development with Unity to help you learn and explore C#
  • A brand new cover design!

Follow Head First C# on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeadFirstCSharp

We're excited to announce our latest O'Reilly publication, "What is Scrumban?" â€" a report to help you take your Scrum and Agile implementation to the next level.

The most common Agile framework for project management and product delivery today is Scrum. If you combine Scrum with Kanbanâ€"an Agile method for process improvement and workflow managementâ€"you get Scrumban: a project management/product delivery tool that features pull systems, workflow visualization, and process improvement.

In this report, Andrew examines the fundamentals of Scrum and Kanban, and explains how a Scrumban hybrid can combine Scrum and Kanban effectively and take both of them to the next level. A widely recognized expert in transforming and improving software organizations, teams, and code, Stellman explains how teams that adopt Scrumban combine the core parts of both approaches to deliver better products today while continuing to improve into the future. Agile practitioners will discover why a growing number of software teams now use Scrumban.

  • Review the core elements of Scrum and Kanban for product delivery and process improvement
  • Understand how Scrumban incorporates the empirical process control of Scrum with the pull systems of Kanban to maintain the integrity of both
  • Explore common misconceptions, including the notion that Scrum and Kanban have the same goals or that Scrumban is just “iterationless” Scrum
  • Learn how to use your current Scrum implementation as a starting point for meaningful process improvement that can make your product delivery even more effective
  • Examine a case study that describes a successful real-world implementation of a Scrum and Kanban hybrid

What is Scrumban? is available on the O'Reilly learning platform. If you don't have access to the platform, please contact us and we send get a copy of the report to you.

Posted by: martinamartinatoppahe0258011.blogspot.com

Source: https://www.stellman-greene.com/